Prof. Dr. Martina Fineder Hochmayr
Design theory and design research
Martina Fineder is a product designer and holds a doctorate in design and cultural studies. Her work focuses on researching and communicating socially and ecologically motivated design and consumer cultures, visual and material culture analyses and the development of methods for design and cultural research. Within the framework of collaborative research projects, she is dedicated to the investigation of common good logics (commons) as a possible innovation strategy in design as well as the question of the role of things in interpersonal relationships. She also conducts research in intergenerational citizen science projects on current phenomena of longing and uses exhibitions as a setting for design and everyday research, for example by developing digitally supported participatory exhibition and research concepts.
Since June 2019
Professor of Design Theory and Design Research at the University of Wuppertal, Faculty of Design and Art, Department of Industrial Design.
Postdoctoral researcher at the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna, including as project leader of the Young Citizen Science project "Stadt-Land-Kind - eine intergenerative Ethnographie zu Sehnsuchtsbildern vom Land", funded by the Austrian Federal Ministry of Science, Research and Education.
Guest researcher at the Complexity Science Hub Vienna as part of the project "Possibilities to Introduce Payment and Value Systems for Emerging Economies in Refugee Societies", (headed by Dr. Stefan Thurner and Dr. Harald Gruendl).
Lecturer at the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna, Institute for Artistic Teaching.
Research Fellow at the Institute of Design Research Vienna (IDRV), including leading the research project "Commons as a way of thinking and innovation strategy in design" (m/H. Gruendl), funded by the Austrian Council for Research and Technology Development. Honorary member since 2019.
Doctor of Philosophy (Dr.phil.) with distinction, Academy of Fine Arts Vienna, Prof. Dr. Elke Gaugele and Prof. Martin Beck. The thesis entitled "The Promise of the Alternative - the Development of Environmentally and Socially Responsive Design and Consumer Culture during the 1970s in West Germany " was honored with the Award of Excellence of the Austrian Federal Ministry of Science, Research and Education.
Visiting Professor for Theory and History of Design, Faculty of Design, Bauhaus University Weimar, 2016 awarded the Bauhaus University Weimar Teaching Prize.
University lecturer for product design theory, Academy of Fine Arts Vienna.
Research assistant, Institute of Design, University of Applied Arts Vienna.
University Lecturer for Design Theory and Practice, Institute of Art and Design, Vienna University of Technology.
University lecturer, Department of Industrial Design, University of Applied Arts Vienna.
since 2002
Freelance designer, curator and scientific consultant for international design, art and cultural institutions, including the Museum of Applied/Contemporary Art Vienna, the New Museum Nuremberg, the Museum of Design Zurich and departure - the creative agency of the Vienna Business Agency.
Founding member of D+ Büro für Design, Vienna.
Magistra der Künste (Mag. art.) with distinction, Product Design, Department of Industrial Design, University of Applied Arts Vienna.
"I can do something!". A teaching and research cooperation with the Deutsche Telekom Foundation.
Project management (m/ Prof. Dr. Fabian Hemmert (BUW))
"Bundeskunsthalle@Home - Museum of the future?". A teaching and research cooperation with the Art and Exhibition Hall of the Federal Republic of Germany as part of the NEUSTART KULTUR funding program to promote alternative, also digital offers, financed with funds from the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media (BKM).
Project management (m/ Prof. Dr. Fabian Hemmert (BUW))
Research partner in the third-party funded project "VIEL(GE)SCHICHTIG. Researching the landscape with art." A participatory historical research project of the OeAD and the E.C.O. Institute for Ecology on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the referendum in Carinthia
(m/ Paul Reiter (Academy of Fine Arts Vienna))
Top Citizen Science extension project "City-Country-Image: A social image analysis of contemporary longing phenomena". A cooperation project of the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna, the Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich, the University of Vienna and the Folklore Museum Vienna, funded by the Top Citizen Science funding program of the Austrian Federal Ministry of Science, Research and Education
Project management (m/ Dr. Luise Reitstätter)
project page Stadt-Land-Bild
"Stadt-Land-Kind: An intergenerational ethnography on images of longing for the countryside". A cooperation project of the Academy of Fine Arts, the University of Vienna, the Folklore Museum Vienna, the Werkraum Bregenzerwald and three partner schools, funded as part of the Sparkling Science funding program of the Austrian Federal Ministry of Science, Research and Education
Project management (m/ Dr. Luise Reitstätter).
project page Stadt-Land-Kind
"Commons as a way of thinking and innovation strategy in design: From the avant-garde to the new industrial paradigm?" / Institute of Design Research Vienna in cooperation with the Museum of Applied/Contemporary Art Vienna as part of the Vienna Biennale 2017 / Funded by the Austrian Council for Research and Technology Development
Project management (m/ Dr. Harald Gruendl).
"Designer for the Real World: Life and Work of Victor Papanek 1923-98" Studies on the life and work of Victor Papanek in the USA (New York, Kansas City, Atlanta, Los Angeles) with the support of the University of Applied Arts Vienna and the ARTist funding program.
(w/ Thomas Geisler).
"PAL Center for Critical Design Research: The Victor Papanek Archive and Library". Fundraising for the purchase of the estate of Victor J. Papanek as the basis for the establishment of the Victor J. Papanek Foundation at the University of Applied Arts Vienna, financed as part of the infrastructure program of the Austrian Ministry of Science and Research
(m/ Thomas Geisler / under the direction of Prof. Dr. A. Clarke and Prof. Dr. H. Esslinger).

Hemmert, Fabian; Fineder, Martina; Cezanne, Fabienne; Cho, Ye Eun; Hagemeier, Helena; Hungerkamp, Anja; Lischka, Tobias; Nievelstein, Caroline; Strauch, Maike; van den Berg, Luis, and Weber, Nora. 2022. To Go or not to Go? A Participatory Approach to Digitally Augmenting Museum Experiences. In Man and Computer 2022 (MuC '22), September 4-7, 2022, Darmstadt, Germany. ACM, NY, USA.
Fineder, Martina and Reitstätter, Luise. "Walking by the Commons: Developing Design Patterns for Future Cultures of Consumption and Production in Exhibition Interview Walks", in: Botta, Massimo and Junginger, Sabine (eds.), Design as Common Good / Framing Design through Pluralism and Social Values. Swiss Design Network Symposium 2021 Conference Proceedings. 2021.
Reitstätter, Luise and Fineder, Martina, "The Exhibition Interview Tour (AIR) as a Method. Experimental research with objects using the example of the perception of commons logics", in: Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung / Forum: Qualitative Social Research, 22(1), Art. 6, 2021.
Fineder, Martina and Lang, Johannes (eds.), Zwischenmenschliches Design - Zur Sozialität und Soziabilität durch Dinge, cooperation project of the Bauhaus University Weimar and the Hans Sauer Foundation Munich, Springer VS Verlag, 2020.
Fineder, Martina, "Von gemeinsam genutzten Dingen zu einer kollektiven Ästhetik", in: Fineder, Martina and Lang, Johannes (eds.), Zwischenmenschliches Design - Zur Sozialität und Soziabilität durch Dinge, a cooperation project of the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar and the Hans Sauer Foundation Munich, Springer VS Verlag, 2020.
Fineder, Martina and Reitstätter, Luise, "From the Archive to Retrotopia: Experiencing Change and Progress in Social Image Analysis", in: Rethinking the Past: Memory / Archive / Document, Cambridge Scholars Publishing (in peer-review process).
Fineder, Martina and Reitstätter, Luise, "We See, We Sense, We Say - Intergenerational Picture Talks as a Visual-sensory Approach to Citizen Science", in: Heigl, Florian; Dörler, Daniel and Marlene Ernst (eds.), Proceedings of the Austrian Citizen Science Conference 2018
Fineder, Martina; Haele, Ulrike and Gruendl, Harald, StadtFabrik. New Work. Neues Design (CityFactory. New Work. New Design), Institute for Design Research Vienna, 2018.
Online publication:
Fineder, Martina; Haele, Ulrike and Gruendl, Harald "Utopie des neuen Designs" / "The Utopia of New Design", in: MAK Vienna (ed.), Vienna Biennale Guide, Verlag für moderne Kunst Wien, 2017.
Fineder, Martina and Geisler, Thomas, "Introduction to Victor Papanek's Design for the Real World", in: Jesko Fezer & Studio Experimentelles Design (eds.), Öffentliche Gestaltungsberatung - Public Design Support 2011-2016, Sternberg Press, 2016.
Kraus, Eva and Fineder, Martina, WEtransFORM - Kunst und Design zu den Grenzen des Wachstums, Verlag für Moderne Kunst, 2016.
Fineder, Martina, "Zwischen Utopie und Dystopie - Ein Streifzug durch alte und neue Bild- und Objektwelten von wachstumskritischen Debatten und anderen Ressourcenängsten" / "Between Dystopia and Utopia - A Survey of Old and New Pictures and Objects that Manifest Debates on Growth and Other Resource-realted Fears", in: E. Kraus and M. Fineder (eds.), WEtransFORM - Kunst und Design zu den Grenzen des Wachstums, Verlag für Moderne Kunst, 2016.
Fineder, Martina; Geisler, Thomas and Hackenschmidt, Sebastian, Nomadic Furniture 3.0 - New liberated living? (Nomadic Furniture 3.0 - New Liberated Living?), a volume in the MAK-Studies series, edited by Ch. Thun-Hohenstein, M. Fineder, Th. Geisler and S. Hackenschmidt, niggli Verlag, 2016.
Fineder, Martina "'Rot' und 'Grün' - Zur Ästhetik des Öko-Sozialen seit den 1970er Jahren", in: Claudia Banz (ed.), Social Design: Geschichte, Praxis, Perspektiven, Transcript Verlag, 2016.
Fineder, Martina, "Jute, not Plastic! Commodity culture between fashion and environmental crisis", in: Elke Gaugele (ed.), Aesthetic Politics in Fashion - Positions between Fashion, Art and Design, Publication Series of the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna, Sternberg Press, 2014.
Fineder, Martina and Kraus, Eva, "Tomorrow Is...: On the Future of Creative Work" in Vienna Business Agency: A Fund of the City of Vienna (ed.), Something Special: Vienna, the Creative City, Verlag für Moderne Kunst, 2014.
Fineder, Martina and Geisler, Thomas, "Think Green and Social: Victor Papanek" in: Hartmut Esslinger, Design Forward: Creative Strategies for Sustainable Change, Arnoldsche Verlagsanstalt, 2012; This text also appeared in the Chinese edition of the book.
Fineder, Martina and Geisler, Thomas, "Design for the Real World: Design Criticism and Critical Design in the Writings of Victor Papanek", in: Journal of Design History 23/1, 2010.
Bast, Gerald; Fineder, Martina; Geisler, Thomas and Pumhoesl, Florian (eds.),Victor Papanek: Design for the Real World. Instructions for a humane ecology and social change, Springer Vienna/New York, editionAngewandte, 2009.
Fineder, Martina; Geisler, Thomas and Pumhoesl, Florian, "Victor Papanek reread: Views on Design for the Real World", Bast, Gerald, Fineder, Martina, Geisler, Thomas and Pumhoesl, Florian (eds.),Victor Papanek: Design for the Real World. Instructions for a humane ecology and social change, Springer Vienna/New York, editionAngewandte, 2009.
Fineder, Martina; Geisler, Thomas, "Victor Papanek 1923-1998: A Biographical Approach to an Unknown Cult Figure", in: Bast, Gerald, Fineder, Martina, Geisler, Thomas and Pumhoesl, Florian (eds.),Victor Papanek: Design for the Real World. Instructions for a humane ecology and social change, Springer Vienna/New York, editionAngewandte, 2009.
Fineder, Martina and Geisler, Thomas, "Because People Count", in: di:angewandte/ecm, Der Traum einer Sache: Social Design zwischen Utopie und Alltag, 2009.
Lecture "Locating the Rural - Visual Patterns and Multi-Sensory Narrations in Intergenerational Picture Talks", Making Pictures Talk, Institut National d'Histoire de l'Art (INHA), Paris, 2022 (w/ L. Reitstätter).
Workshop "Kunst.Macht.Europa" on the topic of New European Bauhaus in the event series "Kunst.Macht.Nachhaltigkeit". Organized by the University of Wuppertal, the Wuppertal Institute and the Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies (Potsdam), Wuppertal, 2021 (w/ Prof. Dr. Christa Liedtke, Dr. Carolin Baedeker, Prof. Erica von Moeller, Eva Eiling, Felix Fastenrath).
Presentation "Designing Common Good" in the Paper Session #3 Design Methods, DGTF Annual Conference 2022: Design X Sustainability, Kiel, 2022.
Presentation "Walking by the Commons: Developing Design Patterns for Future Cultures of Consumption and Production in Exhibition Interview Walks" in the panel: "Making the Design Commons - Methods, Tactics and Processes", Design as Common Good, University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Southern Switzerland (SUPSI) and Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts (HSLU), online conference, 2021 (w/ L. Reitstätter).
Presentation "Beyond Nostalgia: Discovering Ideas of the 'Good Life' in Intergenerational Picture Talks", Visualizing Social Changes: Seen and Unseen, The International Visual Sociology Association (IVSA) 2021 Conference, Dublin, online conference, 2021 (w/ L. Reitstätter).
Conception of discussion forum and lecture "Alternatives to be discussed - On the reconfiguration of aesthetic knowledge in design", Ästhetik und Erkenntnis, XI. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Ästhetik, Zurich University of the Arts, online conference, 2021 (w/ E. Gaugele (Chair, Academy of Fine Arts Vienna), F. Hemmert (BUW), B. Koczan (HTW Berlin), S. Owens (ZHdK), A. Sachs (ZHdK).
Video recording of the discussion forum "Alternatives to be discussed"
Program overview of the congress popup:yes
Lecture "Insights into current positions in design research" as part of the series "Schnittstelle Design", University of Art and Design Linz, 2020.
Lecture "I see something you don't see. Digitally supported participatory exhibition and research concepts from an intergenerational perspective", MAI Conference 2019, Düsseldorf, 2019 (w/ L. Commare).
Lecture "Design Patterns for Future Commons", Swiss Design Research Summit - Beyond Change: Questioning the role of design in times of global transformations, Basel, 2018 (w/ H. Gruendl).
Lecture "Futures past in the work of Victor Papanek", Swiss Design Research Summit - Beyond Change: questioning the role of design in times of global transformations, Basel (2018).
Lecture "The Archive is Present. Historical Images of Longing in Contemporary Discourse" at the conference Rethinking the Past. International Conference Memory / Archive / Document - Arts and Architecture, Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, Lisbon, 2018 (w/ L. Reitstätter).
Lecture at the 4th Austrian Citizen Science Conference as part of the workshop panel "Citizen Science in the context of critical art and culture education with young people", University of Salzburg, 2018 (w/ L. Reitstätter).
Keynote speech and workshop "The exhibition interview tour at the Bauhaus", Bauhaus Agents Conference #2, Dessau, 2018 (w/ L. Reitstätter).
Lecture "The Promise of the Alternative", Design History Society Annual Conference 2017 "Making and Unmaking the Environment", Oslo, 2017.
Keynote lectures on "Common Good and Design" as part of the Citizen Science series of the MAK Vienna, 2017.
Conference "Beziehungskisten - Zur Sozialität und Soziabilität von Dingen", International Symposium of the Department of Product Design at the Bauhaus University Weimar, 2016 (w/ J. Lang).
Symposium contribution "We Want Things Different - the Visual Culture of Growing Ecological Awareness and New Emancipatory Lifestyle Experiments in the 1970s", working group "Visual Culture and the (Re-)Creation of Everyday Life", Third ISA Forum of Sociology, Vienna, 2016.
Impulse lecture and panel discussion as part of the exhibition and discussion series "Design-It-Yourself-Design", Museum für Gestaltung Zürich and ZHdK Zürich.
Lecture "'Rot' und 'Grün' - Zur Ästhetik des Solidarischen", as part of the conference "Social Design - Geschichte, Theorie und Praxis" organized by the Gesellschaft für Designgeschichte and the Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe Hamburg, Hamburg, 2014.
Guest lecture "Tomorrow Is...", for Smart City - GreenUP master course, University of Florence (w/ Eva Kraus).
Discussion and film screening "DIY, Moden und Styles" in the event series "Times of Crisis", Top Kino Wien (w/ E. Gaugele, Sabina Muriale and Ruby Sircar).
Symposium "Aesthetic Politics in Fashion: Positions between Fashion, Design and Art"; Academy of Fine Arts Vienna, Department of Fashion and Styles (w/ E. Gaugele et al.), 2012.
Lecture "Jute instead of plastic: Design and consumption between environmental crisis and fashion!", as part of the symposium "Aesthetic Politics in Fashion: Positions between Fashion, Design and Art", Academy of Fine Arts Vienna, Vienna, 2012.
audio recording of the lecture popup:yes
Keynote speech and discussion "Circle 00005 (r=5): The Aesthetics of Sustainable Design", event organized by the Institute of Design Research Vienna (IDRV), Designforum / MuseumsQuartier Wien, 2012.
Lecture and discussion in the context of Q+A Panel # 8: Resources, "Design Clinic:
The Papanek Concept", Kunstverein München (w/ Th. Geisler), 2012.
Lecture "Designing and Consuming Nature in West Germany in the 1970s",
Design History Society Annual Conference, Barcelona, 2010.
Lecture "Between Design Criticism and Critical Design: Exploring the writings of Victor Papanek (1923-1998)", Design History Society Annual Conference Hertfordshire (UK), 2009.
Lecture "Recycling Design Revisited: Between Subversion and Style",
Symposium re*_Recycling_Jamming_Sampling: Artistic Strategies of the Present
of the Present, UdK Berlin, 2009.
Guest lecture on the life and work of Victor Papanek at the School of Visual Arts in New York, (w/ Thomas Geisler), 2009.
Guest lecture on the life and work of Victor Papanek at the Savannah College of Art and Design, Georgia (USA), (w/ Thomas Geisler), 2009.
Lecture "Trends and aspects of sustainable design in Europe",
International Design Center Berlin (IDZ), 2009.
Lecture as part of the Salon de Recherche: CIVIC CITY - CIVIsME IN dEsIGN, design2context-Institute for Design Research, Zurich University of the Arts, Zurich, (w/ Thomas Geisler), 2009.
Exhibition "RETROPIA - Talking about longing images of the countryside", exhibition as part of the research projects Stadt-Land-Kind and Stadt-Land-Bild, Volkskundemuseum Wien (w/ L. Reitstätter, P. Reiter, L. Commare)
Exhibition "StadtFabrik: New Work. New Design", as part of the Vienna Biennale 2017, MAK Vienna (w/ U. Haele and H. Gründl)
Satellite of the exhibition "StadtFabrik: Neue Arbeit. New Design" as part of the Technologie Forum Alpbach, Tyrol/Austria.
Exhibition "Do-It-Yourself-Design" at the Bröhan Museum, Berlin
(w/ Th. Geisler, S. Hackenschmidt / adaptation of the MAK exhibition "Nomadic Furniture 3.0" by Dr. Tobias Hoffmann, Katleen Arthen).
Exhibition and festival "WEtransFORM - Art and Design on the Limits of Growth", Neues Museum - Staatliches Museum für Kunst und Design in Nuremberg (w/ E. Kraus).
Collection presentation "Fresh milk for cold coffee", a cooperation of the Neue Sammlung in Munich, the Neues Museum in Nuremberg and the Bauhaus University Weimar (w/ X. Riemann).
Exhibition "Do-It-Yourself-Design" at the Museum für Gestaltung in Zurich
(w/ A. Sachs, Th. Geisler, S. Hackenschmidt / adaptation of the MAK exhibition "Nomadic Furniture 3.0 - New Liberated Living?" from 2013).
"Tomorrow Is...: On the Future of Creative Work"
Exhibition for the 10th anniversary of departure, creative agency of the City of Vienna, MAK - Museum of Applied Arts/Contemporary Art Vienna, (w/E. Kraus and A. Pawlik).
Exhibition "Nomadic Furniture 3.0 - New Liberated Living?", Museum of Applied Arts/Contemporary Art Vienna (w/ S. Hackenschmidt and Th. Geisler).
Design dialog series d>links, a cooperation of MAK and departure; conception and moderation of the series "design>neue strategien", MAK/departure (m/ Th. Geisler).
University of Wuppertal
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42119 Wuppertal
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