Leonard Semke
Prof. Dr. Fabian Hemmert
Yuliya Sobol
SemesterWinter 22/23
Contact leo@semke.net"Orb" offers senior citizens the opportunity to participate in the lives of their relatives. This is made possible by sharing emotional objects, for example from everyday life or travel. The relatives scan these objects using a smartphone app. The scanned objects are then sent to the senior citizens along with a voice message. When an object is sent to the station, the station's LED ring lights up.
They can then be viewed using the "Orb" system and VR glasses. "Orb" enables intuitive viewing of these objects, as the virtual objects displayed directly follow the movements of "Orb" and can thus be viewed from all sides. To view another object, one puts the orb back into its station and rotates it there. In this way, objects that are important in the lives of relatives or the senior citizens themselves can be made easily accessible. Joint conversations are thus stimulated by new topics.

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Living 360
Jörn Läpple

Paul Norman Bujak

Lnyx R3
Linxun Li