Exemplary Design

Jakob Höxtermann
Leon Affeldt
Chiara Krauss
Lea-Marie Loncaric
Christina Sessler
Cai Yu Wu
Larissa Mladenova
Vincenzo Ienopoli

Prof. Gisela Kleinlein

Claudia Mann


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The 2nd semester students made "a virtue – that is: a design – out of necessity" in the artistic basics: design solutions for defective products were developed. The aim was to integrate and process the defect in such a way that it becomes a special design feature of the product. In addition, a "literature-based" product was to be developed that would fit in with a self-chosen text and its content in terms of time, style and shape.

And because everything took place at home during this semester, another project in the 2nd semester focused on "hidden areas" in the personal living environment. There, hidden niches, intermediate zones, overlooked areas, corners and angles were to be tracked down and solutions were to be developed through skilful installation and conversion to give these places a useful purpose.

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