Yannis Merlin Willim
Jonas Brinkmann
Prof. Matthias Schönherr
Dipl. Des. Volker Hübner
1 20/21
Poseidon are smart swimming goggles for competitive swimmers that allow the analysis of training parameters.
The goggles stand out with their futuristic, continuous visor. It's shape impresses with its ergonomic fit and optimized hydrodynamics. A single button facilitates operation and enables switching on and off, changing the display mode, starting a training recording and connecting a smartphone via Bluetooth to evaluate the training data. The status LED provides information about the respective action and the charge status. The projector displays the swimmer‘s performance during training on the integrated prism.
The stroke frequency can be determined with an integrated gyro sensor. An optical sensor measures the heart rate.
This project was developed as a student project and not on behalf of any company mentioned.
Jonas Brinkmann: jonasbrnkmnn@gmail.com
Yannis Merlin Willim: yanniswillim@web.de

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Head up Display
Hannah Wüpping

Luis van den Berg

Alexander Salice