Fatih Yavuz
Prof. Matthias Schönherr
Prof. Volker Hübner
1 20/21
Hair clipper
Charge is a hair clipper that evokes nostalgic memories for the user and at the same time meets the professional demands of today's hairdressers. Thus, the product combines nostalgia and the future in that the design is based on the origins of motorised hair clippers and the features take up innovative concepts.
The main concepts are wireless charging, length adjustment on the right and left side by means of a lever and the ergonomic notch for the index finger on the gripping surface, which fits the hand perfectly. The hair clipper is charged inductively on an accompanying charging station, thus avoiding the potential of tangled cables. The adjustment option of the length lever does not only have the advantage of being ergonomically suitable for right- and left-handed people, but also offers hairdressers an option to counteract the one-sided strain on the body.

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Simon Rummenhöller

Alexander Müller

Florian Valentin