Alexander Müller
Prof. Gert Trauernicht
1 20/21
The Doma infrared thermometer is specialized in body temperature measurement and allows, depending on the needs, different measurement scenarios.
The first variant is the measurement on the forehead. In this case, the product is held similar to a gun and the optics are brought close to the forehead. The measurement starts as soon as a finger is in the colored sensor hole and is automatically stopped as soon as the temperature stops rising. The beginning and end of the measurement are marked with a short vibration or a beep.
The second variant runs in the same way, but the thermometer is held differently. Here, the middle finger is passed through the sensor hole, allowing the thermometer to be worn like a ring. Then the optic is brought close to the forehead. The advantage of this variant is that it imitates the gesture of "feeling the fever" with the flat of the hand on the forehead and thus appears less threatening and causes less anxiety in children.
The third variant enables a much more precise measurement in the inner ear. Here, protective caps can be attached beforehand for hygienic reasons. The display itself shows only the most important functions: Temperature in selected unit of measurement, fever status LED, Bluetooth connection and battery status. All settings are made in the included app: Temperature in degrees Celsius or Fahrenheit, vibration, beep or mute.
In addition, all measurements are stored with fever status and time, graphically prepared and can be exported in Excel format. Charging is done with a magnetic plug at the bottom. The product was developed primarily for private households, but can also be used in medical practices due to the closed, hygienic surface and compatibility with common protective caps.
This project was developed as a student project and not on behalf of any company mentioned.

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Xiaotian Wang

Yuqing Wang