Digitale Transformation

Niklas Markloff

Prof. Gert Trauernicht
Prof. Dr. Fabian Hemmert


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The challenge of digital transformation in the stationary food retail trade
Analyzing courses of action and deploying a strategy in the differentiation process of human retail

Trade is change – this old wisdom has not lost any of its topicality.
But where is stationary food retail headed in the course of the next major industrial revolution?
The stationary food retail trade is currently undergoing a radical change. Today, digital technologies provide customers with better access to a wider range of products, services and support. Especially in the fiercely competitive food retailer market, it will be important in the future for large retail chains to formulate an offer that offers the customer a Full Service Customer Experience.
This accelerated networking of products and retail worlds makes it clear that the relevance of offering customers added-value between product experience and online multi-channel measures is in the area of tension between e-commerce and innovative stationary market concepts.

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