
A compact washing machine for small households

Lisa Kupferschmidt

Prof. Gert Trauernicht
Prof. Dr. Fabian Hemmert


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Contact lisakupferschmidt@web.de

The only way to wash efficiently and sustainably is with a machine that is running at full capacity. But this can be a problem, especially for single-person households that own traditional washing machines.After sorting the laundry, users often notice that they cannot prepare complete loads from the long-term accumulated pile of laundry.
With a capacity of 3.5 kilograms, "wacu" offers a solution and is particularly suitable for small apartments due to its compact format. The system offers extra flexibility with rolls that can be extended as needed with the help of the handle. Refillable detergent tanks are used to automatically add the specified amount of detergent to the machine and prevent dosage inaccuracies. An indirect light indicates the load quantity and the current status of the washing process. Instead of countless programs, the product combines only the most relevant settings in its clear control panel, which makes it quick and easy to get started with the washing process.

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