Seca 900

Maike Strauch

Prof. Martin Topel


2 18

Technisches Entwerfen


With Seca 900 the product family of Seca's body scales for the private use is completed. Seca 900 attaches to the vintage design from its mechanical predecessor. But with new technology included, the scale brings a new flair to the bathroom.
Rolls inside the feet of Seca 900 help the user to have an upright posture during the entire process of use. Because of that, the scale can easily be stored anywhere in the bathroom. As soon some weight comes on to the scale the rolls move to the inside so that a precise measurement can be guaranteed. The digital scale can be calibrated by turning the metal wheel. The scale will be more precise. After the weighing process the user will get a haptic feedback so he know that the scale is done.

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