Eine Mehrfachsteckdose mit Fokus auf smartem Kabelmanagement, für den dauerhaften Gebrauch am Arbeitsplatz und in Kombination mit Geräten der Unterhaltungselektronik.Jörn Läpple
Prof. Martin Topel
Dipl. Des. Volker Hübner
Sommer 23
Technisches Entwerfen
Contact joern.laepple@uni-wuppertal.deMultiple socket outlets can be found in a wide variety of applications, whether at home, at work or in other places of daily life. They are usually designed as a temporary solution and are often offered as a low-cost take-away product at the checkout, often neglecting the needs of the users.
A multiple socket is a product that is needed, but usually not used very much. This problem is solved by the PowerHub. It represents a multiple socket designed for permanent use in the workplace and in conjunction with consumer electronics.
With a focus on smart cable management solutions, the PowerHub allows you to shorten the power cords of three external devices by 1.5 meters each and store them neatly. In addition, it also offers the ability to stow the internal cable on the bottom, eliminating unsightly cable clutter on the floor and table. In addition to its clever cable management, the PowerHub also features main sequencing logic as a peripheral in its field of use. This feature allows a main device to control another device. When the main device is turned on, the power outlet automatically turns on the follow-on device. When the main unit is turned off, the slave unit is also turned off. In addition to convenience, this feature also helps save energy by preventing a slave device from remaining in standby mode even though the main device is not active.

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Surface Strip
Marten Koch

Paul Norman Bujak

Power Strip (1)
Dina El Makrini