
Christian Rüsseler

Prof. Gert Trauernicht
Prof. Andreas Kalweit
Prof. Dr. Fabian Hemmert


1 20/21



SideDesk is a combination of a sideboard and a height-adjustable desk.
The concept combines the highest demands on ergonomics, space requirements and functionality, so that it is in no way inferior to desk solutions for the home office that are already available on the market.

A touch bar, which can be linked to the smartphone, serves as the control unit.
The adjustment and time sitting at the desk can be recorded. The user then receives notifications via his smartphone when it is advisable to take a different position or to move a little.
In addition to the height adjustment, the monitor can also be freely adapted to your own needs across all axes in terms of height, inclination, distance and rotation.
With a minimum height of 560mm and two storage surfaces, SideDesk is the ideal sideboard, which with its modern design can be integrated well into the apartment. This product is ideal for users with little living space or without an extra office room, such as shared apartments.

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