Carl Siepen
Prof. Martin Topel
2 19
Technisches Entwerfen
Contact 1742792@uni-wuppertal.deThere are high hygienic requirements for equipment in hospitals. Accordingly, this computer mouse was equipped with antibacterial surface materials to reduce the spread of bacteria. The waterproof construction and chemical-resistant materials allow for easy cleaning.
The wired version SPM7911 W is always ready to use and is protected against theft, which makes it optimal for the use with public computers. As the wireless version SPM7911 WL, the compact device is interesting for office or private use and is also a useful addition when travelling. The easy cleaning capabilities, for example in the dishwasher, also sets new standards.
This project was developed as a student project and not on behalf of any company.

Ruoxi Wang

ABUS 800 W SmartX
Michael Jacoby

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