
Cara Bruckmann

Prof. Dr. Fabian Hemmert

Dipl. Des. Volker Hübner


1 19/20


Communication Tool for Dementia Patients Supporting Orientation Within Their Time-Related Daily Routine

The loss of skills and orientation causes anxiety and a feeling of helplessness in dementia patients. Supportive forms of therapy help patients to gain situational orientation and orientation within their known environment. Sole time-related disorientation has been less considered. If time no longer has a meaning, day and night times get mixed up, fixed structures help to gain back a sense of time.

noon is a qualitative time display that communicates daily structures in an understandable way using recurring events. It allows the user to gain orientation independently at any time and to prepare themselves for upcoming events. Relatives get involved into the communication by sending planned visiting times to noon via a corresponding app. Predominately, the concept shall give the user security and self-confidence which is supported by the reduced and soft design of noon. The visual presentation and interactive reading function appeal to various senses and thus simplify the understanding of what is about to happen next.

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