
Hannah Wüpping

Prof. Gert Trauernicht


1 19/20


Contact hannahwuepping@gmail.com

The communication from computer to user is based on light. Parts of the keys will be illuminated which telling the user the most important information. Therefore no display has to be built in. In situa tions when mountain bikers aren’t able to be attentive towards a device, they can control the function with their gloves. The arrangement of the keys will allow any user to feel and know what they push. Therefore no attention needs to be detached from the essential happening.

The partial lightning of the power button shows how much battery is left in an approximate portion. Seven-segment displays show the mode, the driven kilometers and kilometers left, as well as the current speed. A push on that key will switch up the information which is shown. The status of the front lamp is displayed by standardised icons. The function doesn’t have to be explained. The general formal choice mediates robustness as well as reliability in extreme situations.

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