Retro Design Tool
Retro design as a strategic and visual concept in product developmentZhidong Xia
Prof. Martin Topel
Prof. Dr. Martina Fineder
Sommer 24
In a global society with high uncertainty, the rise of retro design has set a new trend in product design, revealing the deeper psychological activities and decision-making drives of users. At the same time, the rapid development of new technologies such as AI, electric vehicles and the concept of the metaverse has caused concern among some users and created a desire to return to the “good old days”.
How to maintain the balance between future innovations and users' feelings? How should the desire for the past be dealt with in uncertain times? Retro design could be the answer.
Based on an investigation of the theoretical mechanisms of retro design, tools have been developed to help designers and product developers.
The Retro Design Tool is compatible with common design processes and is presented in the form of a Canvas + Guide Book. It is intended to help with decision-making and ensure that teams focus on the most important goals of retro design. Compatibility with existing workflows and user-friendliness were at the forefront of the tool's development.

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