Mental Health - Vortrag und workshop


A Toolkit for Preventative Mental Health: creating student wellness

ist eine inspirierende Präsentation der beiden enthusiastischen Speaker Dr Caroline Heim und Dr Christian Heim aus Australien.
Wir laden euch herzlich ein, dabei zu sein: Mittwoch, den 30.10.2024 um 18:30 Uhr im Hörsaal 26 (I.13.65), Fuhlrottstr. 10, 42119 Wuppertal.

Zum Inhalt:
This talk and workshop discuss the science of mental health and its link to our day-to-day environment and people contacts. The workshop will, through embodied learning, present what can be done to prevent mental health issues and create student wellness. Psychological "tools" based on neuroscience and the evidence of mature defense mechanisms will be taught to help deal with daily stressors and strengthen healthy minds.
Die Präsentation wird auf englisch gehalten.

Wer schon mal in ihren Podcast College Mental Health Dr Caroline Heim and Dr Christian Heim hören möchte.

Oder in ihre Bücher schauen:
Resilient Relationships: Techniques for Surviving Hyper-individualism, Social Isolation and a Mental Health Crisis
Actors and Audiences: Conversations in the Electric Air
Audience as Performer: The Changing Role of Theatre Audiences in the Twenty-First Century

Foto: Aaron Bircher